Building Communities by
Building Businesses
Ways I help...
Promote Your Business Online
Part of our role is to promote every local business on our Facebook page. We do this with “Business Features”. Business Features are like a Free PR Piece for your business…
Workshops for Business Owners
Our workshop presentations focus on how your business gives you the Income, Freedom and Scale that you’re looking for from owning your business…
Build Your Ideal Business
Our signature program will work with you to develop your business into a profitable asset that provides you with the income you deserve and the freedom to enjoy it…
Get Your Values Profiled
It’s easy to assume the people we manage are motivated but the same values that motivate us. Often they’re not! A Values Profile will tell you what motivates them…
Facilitation for Business Leaders
Our facilitated workshops give your team a fresh perspective so ideas will flow, conflict will diffuse and everyone will feel excited about their role & their workplace…
Team Professional Development
We operate Professional Development programs for workplaces so the Leader can focus on performance knowing your team environment is well supported…
Business Advisor & Coach
Introducing Lana...
After nearly two decades in the coaching, consulting and advisory space, Lana has extensive client experience. She has studied NLP and is a Master Practitioner specialising in shifting team and individual performance. She regularly presents workshops and facilitates group sessions. The work she does is a unique blend of professional and personal development that combines with strategic and commercial advice…
Your Next Quarter With the Right Strategy & Tactics…
Developing an Operational Plan can be daunting especially when you’re buried in the day-to-day operations. Participating in a professionally guided planning session gives you the opportunity to think longer-term and develop strategies that are not obvious when you’re constantly under the pump. Planning sessions also mean you can draw on the experience of other business owners and how they deal with similar challenges to those being encountered in your own business. The outcome is often a newfound sense of clarity and direction…

To deliver your Ideal Business...
Our signature advisory program works with you 1:1 to build and deliver your Ideal Business. An “Ideal” business must not only provide you with an ideal income, but give you the freedom to enjoy the money you’re making. We work on engaging your team and developing systems so your business works even when you’re away! Then we optimise the difference between your prices and your costs so there’s more cash available to invest or take as income. We’ll also upgrade your marketing to bring in high quality leads and install sales systems to convert your ideal audience. Part of our program is also focused on building team culture using behavioural and values profiling tools to help your team stepping-up rather than merely showing-up…
Your Values with an Insightful Report...
There are many different values, but 7 specific values drive our motivation and therefore our behaviour. Behaviour can be observed, but Values are less obvious. Having a profiling tool to reveal value drivers is helpful especially when you have a team. Often as a boss we’ll assume that what motivates us should likewise motivate our team. This explains why we’re left frustrated when our efforts to motivate others don’t seem to work…

To give Your Business a Fast Fix…
Workshops are a great way for owners to get clarity on a range of opportunities in their businesses. They’re super practical and you’ll always walk away with actionable plans that you can implement right away. Topics range from Mastering Your Online Marketing to Building your own Sales System and many more. Many owners are very surprised with what can be achieved in a 90 minute workshop…
That install critical business systems…
Many business owners know they need help, but want a specific project taken care of in a short period of time. Courses are a short term option to getting a solution that installs permanent business systems that will keep producing results long after the course has been completed. Staff recruitment, retention and how to build the ideal culture is our #1 course that has given owners the solutions they need in today’s challenging employment environment…

To Give Your Team a Fresh Perspective…
Facilitation is a great way for Business Leaders to provide an event to renew, refocus or re-energise a team. This can take many forms such as an off-site event, an in-house workshop or a keynote at a conference. They’re always super practical and your team will walk away with actionable resources that they can implement right away. Talk to Emma about your objectives and she will customise a format…
Your business with an online Business Feature...
Part of our role is to promote every local business on our Facebook page. We do this with “Business Features”. Business Features are like a Free PR Piece for your business where we do a short interview, write it up and post it (checking with you first so you know what’s being said!)… we’ll also let you know about upcoming Events that we run regularly and provide you with a Guest Pass to attend…

And Counting...
Locations Across Australia & New Zealand
Business Owners Working together on their Businesses
being made by Local Owners working on their Businesses
Listen to What Others Have to Say...
"Everything has superseded what we thought would happen..."
Matt | Platinum Security
"Lana's experience has done wonders for our company..."
Matt | A Plus Plastics
"We have reached all our biggest with Lana on our side..."
Angie | Solar Partners
Free Business Brainstorm

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